
Evidence has shown that meditation can have a calming effect on ill or dying animals. If your pet is nearing the end of life a Reiki meditation can help. Reiki is basically spiritual energy representing the spark of light that is in every living being. As a pet owner you know what I mean. You see the light in your pet’s eyes every day.  

Sitting together in a quiet, calm space is one way to communicate deeply from your heart to your animal’s heart. This is especially important when they are ready to transition and you are both getting ready to say good-bye. If your pet has already transitioned, we can meditate on the love that still exists.

Sitting with your pet in meditation can also help ease adjustment for a recent pet adoption and loss or change of any kind in you and your animal’s lives.

The meditation session lasts 60 minutes and can be via phone or zoom, although zoom is better because we can have a closer connection.

Please schedule a free consultation prior to purchasing so we can talk a little more about the meditation session and set up a time to meet. Then make your purchase on this page and I will send you confirmation information. If you need to cancel, please provide a 24 hour notice so that your payment can be refunded in full.

Please note: in person sessions are available in Southeastern Wisconsin. Please contact me for more information.




As a Reiki practitioner with animals I have found that finding calm and balance within myself can be a great comfort to my own animals and animals that are experiencing stress (such as animals nearing the end of their lives and shelter animals.) In a guided meditation with you and your animals I can help you achieve a calmer, more peaceful state which can help you as you face the challenges ahead with your sick or elderly animal. If your friend has already transitioned we can remember the connection that you still share even though they are no longer in the physical world. We can celebrate that love together. 



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